Immobile in a Mobile World: Tips and Tools for Transporting a Special Needs Pup
It didn’t all happen at once; Freddie shifted from walking without issue to immobile over a period of almost a year. First, it was hind-leg…
My Freddie Fitness: Staying Strong and How You Can Too
Caring for Freddie has many, many perks. One is that I get to “lift weights” daily! A few days ago, I got curious about how…
My Ultimate Special Needs Dog Mom Stroller Set Up
Freddie, Abhi, and I go for two daily walks. When Freddie could still walk, he wasn’t really super excited about going for strolls. I asked…
Looking for Community While Easily Annoyed and Feeling Defeated
Our first trip to the vet after Freddie started showing some odd symptoms was in June 2022. One year and three months after we adopted…
An introduction to My Freddie Life
2022. What a year it was. It was the beginning of a new me. An introduction, of sorts. The end of 2021 brought much unexpected…